Tag Archives: gardening

Water, water, everywhere, but be sure to do it right!

We’re right in the middle of another Great British Summer so we of course should be expecting high temperatures and dry days. After a long, cold winter and a very late spring this year, the summer heat has been exceptional and even though you and I might be loving sitting out in the sunshine or preparing a steak for the barbeque, our gardens need to be managed at this time of year just as much as at other times.

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A Gardener’s Garden in Ewelme

This is the first of a new kind of blog to add to my repertoire of the usual plant and garden job focused ones.

Today I’d like to introduce you to one of Green Art’s Care and Development Team clients. This is Sue in her element in her beautiful cottage garden in Ewelme. I met with her to chat all things green on our recent monthly care visit to her garden.


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A Very Hungry Caterpillar

When you saw the title of this blog, you may have thought you were about to read a review of the Eric Carle picture book, however, I would instead like to talk to you about a garden pest which we are starting to see increased infestations of locally. (If this were a film, this is the bit where the music would be building up to a Dun, Dun, Derrr….) The Box Moth ‘Cydalima Perspectalis’.

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