Tag Archives: spring

Bring on the bulbs!

It’s the time of year that we begin to look around at the bare patches in our beds and borders. We start thinking about how to add in some extra colour to make sure have something to look forward to after the dormancy of winter in our gardens. And that’s where bulbs come into their own.

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April in the garden – Carpe Diem

At last we’re starting to see and hear the signs of spring. Now the clocks have changed it seems that spring has finally sprung. Verges are golden with daffodils and the white blossom of the blackthorn is sprinkled along the hedgerow. Some early flowering cherries are starting to show their delicate blossom and the early morning songs of blackbirds, robins and song thrushes are there to greet us at daybreak. It’s enough to make you want to rise early and seize the day.

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March brings new signs of life

While February was all about getting things ready, March is when it all starts to happen. Snowdrops are abundant, Hellebores are adding subtle colour and bright crocuses are popping up all over the place alongside the first daffodils.  The hedgerows are starting to green up, often with the pale yellow of native primroses nestling below.

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Why wildlife can be a welcome visitor to your vegetable garden

We all know the story of Peter Rabbit stealing lettuces and carrots from Mr McGregor’s garden. For those of us who have grown our own veg, there is nothing more frustrating than discovering that the fruits of our labours have been munched by a fluffy little cotton tail or destroyed by an army of slimy slugs.

Wildlife can, however, be a very welcome visitor to our vegetable gardens and allotments, which in return can provide a perfect habitat for many species.

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Why February feels special in the garden

After a long, frosty winter when most of the jobs in the garden are about tidying up and putting things to rest for a couple of months, February brings a sense of anticipation. Spring hasn’t yet emerged, but signs, in the form of snowdrops, crocus, hellebores and primroses give us the sense that it’s just around the corner waiting to happen. Here are a few of the things you can be doing in February that will make a difference for the rest of the year. 
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