Category Archives: garden design

GreenArt Garden Design Plan Review on site

5 Frequently Asked Questions

There are many questions that you will be asking yourself as you consider your garden design and landscaping project. Where do I start?

Here are 5 frequently asked questions to help you understand what you need to consider with a new garden design. What does it cost? What’s the process? How can I prepare?

How much does garden design and landscaping cost?

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Summer Inspiration for a Garden Re-design

Embracing Summer’s Beauty to Help Create a Garden of your Dreams

A balmy Summers evening, with its hazy undertones and perhaps nostalgic childhood memories maybe the perfect time to find inspiration for your garden’s re-design.

As the sun bathes our outdoor spaces, we are invited to step outside, indulge in the sensory delights and uncover what truly brings us joy in our gardens.

Our gardens should be just as integral to our home as much as our indoor space is. The link between indoors and outdoors should feel effortless. As much a place to rest, relax and socialise as our bed, sofa or dining table is!

A garden can awaken our senses with sights, sounds, smells, and textures. When contemplating a garden re-design, let the splendour of Summer guide your plans and decisions.

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lawn care

For the Love of Lawns

We Brits love our lawns.

In the early 17th Century only the well-healed Landowners could afford human labour to scythe and hand-weed large areas of grass. Since then, a perfectly manicured lawn has been associated with wealth and success. The aspiration of every home-owner – or is it?

Over the years we’ve become conditioned to a traditional grass lawn being a central feature of our gardens. Lawncare has become a very British obsession.

Looking to the future and the increasing desire and need to lead a greener and more sustainable lifestyle, maybe it’s time to change? Perhaps it’s time to rethink what we want to achieve in our gardens and the role the lawns have to play in our enjoyment of these valuable outside spaces.

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5 Steps to Going Wild in your Garden

FACT: Gardens cover an area more than twice the size of all our national nature reserves.

FACT: One in seven of our wildlife species are heading for extinction and half are in decline.

FACT: 46% of Europe has tree cover compared with only 13% in the UK

While decisions are being made across Britain by members of the Rewilding Network about rewilding their land, as gardeners, home-owners, garden designers and landscapers, the decisions we make now can make a massive difference.

If every garden in Britain was made just a little bit wilder, more carbon could be absorbed, biodiversity increased and the impacts of climate change, like flooding, reduced.

That’s got to be a good reason to go a bit wild, so what can you do?

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How can a new garden help the environment?

Photo Credit: GreenArt

You can be forgiven for thinking that digging up an established or even brand new garden to plant new plants in another layout is an indulgence.  However, when a garden is not designed with the environment in mind, a change is what is needed to allow your garden to make a positive impact on the world around it.

One of our core values at GreenArt is all about taking care of our environment.  It is easy to see a shiny new garden in our images, but a great deal goes into our designs to ensure they do their bit for the environment.

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Low Maintenance doesn’t mean No Maintenance!

It may not come as much surprise to hear that we are often asked for a ‘low maintenance’ garden when it comes to designing green spaces.

This may be due to many reasons; being new to gardening, having a young family, older age, restricted mobility or simply not having enough time.

For a keen gardener, tending to borders and lawns is a much-enjoyed pastime, but for a lot of people managing a garden can often feel overwhelming and all too often a chore, rather than a pleasure.

Here we discuss some low-maintenance garden design considerations without having to turn your garden into a concrete jungle!

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Hedges and Garden Design

Whether it is formal or informal, the right type of hedging plants have the power to completely transform your garden.

Hedges are a great habitat for wildlife, provide privacy and security as well as protection from wind for tender or less hardy plants. They can also be a central feature of a garden design and an opportunity to be creative with shape, form and structure that will last for years to come. Whatever purpose your hedge will serve, there is a large choice of hedging plants for your garden, so choose wisely.

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Babylon Nursery Garden Ideas

Blooming Marvelous Planting Scheme Ideas

As a Trainee Designer at GreenArt, part of my job is to work with our Garden Design team to create planting schemes for our clients. These can be schemes to refresh an existing area of a garden or as part of a completely new Garden Design.

I recently visited our local wholesale nursery Babylon Nursery  to source herbs for a customer’s vegetable garden. Whilst there I took the opportunity to have a look around and see if anything in bloom caught my eye. Here’s what I found that sparked some fresh ideas for planting schemes.

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A Garden design to improve quality of life while adding value to a home

A Case Study: Why a new garden design was needed.

Steve and Jane came to GreenArt in search of a new garden design in the Autumn of 2021 after seeing the work of the Care & Development garden maintenance Team at another property in Benson.

They had lived in their 1930s’ home for over 10 years, during which time they extended and fully re-furbished the interior, to create a family home that would see them into retirement. An outdoor office built in 2018 allows Steve to work from home, but the view into the garden from both home and office was uninspiring.

The 50m long garden was substantial and well-established but provided little visual stimulation when working from home, nor was it practical for entertaining or to have a place to relax in after work.

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The art of maintaining large gardens and estates

‘My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece’ – Claude Monet.

Like sitting down to an easel, walking into a large garden, tools in hand, you may wonder where and how to start your masterpiece. Our approach to garden care takes into account the needs of large gardens and estates, as well as those of smaller domestic properties. Our Landscape Supervisor, Sasha Fraser, explains our approach.

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