Tag Archives: weeding

Spring Tips to get your Garden Ready for Summer

Spring is one of the most important times of the year in the garden, with new life appearing in every corner. Birds are starting to build their nests in hedges while new shoots and buds are appearing high and low.

Now is the time to think ahead and make sure you are prepared for a full Summer show.

Top 3 Spring Gardening Tips

Get your garden Summer ready with these top Spring gardening tips.

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Keep Weeding – A summer garden maintenance tip.

Summer is a time when we want to be enjoying our gardens and it is also the time when weeding is required the most, because weeds get everywhere! The seeds often lie dormant in the soil waiting for their chance to flourish. With all the recent rain we have had, and now the warmer weather, it’s fair to say the weeds are currently flourishing!

Of course there are physical preventative measures, like weed mats, that you can use to reduce the need for weeding, however they do not suit all locations and require some preparation. A solution for next year perhaps, but not right now.

You may also be tempted by herbicides, however here at GreenArt we do not use herbicides as they significantly impact the surrounding environment and wildlife. 

So it is our job as gardeners to keep weeding during the growing months. But keeping your weeds under control doesn’t have to be an onerous task if you follow these simple guidelines. 

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