There are many questions that you will be asking yourself as you consider your garden design and landscaping project. Where do I start?
Here are 5 frequently asked questions to help you understand what you need to consider with a new garden design. What does it cost? What’s the process? How can I prepare?
How much does garden design and landscaping cost?
Your garden is likely to be a significant part of your home. Your investment in it should reflect its importance to your homelife.
As part of our design process we try to understand what your garden means to you. If we know what you want to get out of it, we can propose a realistic working budget.
The cost of your garden design and landscaping will depend on what you want to include in it. We often liken a garden design project to a kitchen re-design. Consider allowing from £15,000 and upwards, depending on what you want to include.
Be wary of the budgets quoted in TV Garden makeover or SOS programmes as they often only mention the cost of materials.
Typically, for a project requiring skilled workmanship and project management, as well as groundwork and waste removal, the budget is roughly 50/50 labour and materials. Don’t forget that designers and landscapers are running businesses. They have overheads to cover and they also need to make a profit. Offering to supply materials yourself is not always attractive to them.

How long does a garden landscaping job take?
Probably not as long as you think!
We understand the potential disruption that having your garden landscaped can bring. We pride ourselves on delivering projects as quickly and efficiently as possible. Our teams, of at least 3 landscapers, are dedicated to your project for its duration. They are supported by admin and operations staff back in the office to manage deliveries and logistics.
A garden for a new build house could be completed in as little as a week. Larger properties with complex designs requiring specialist skills make take up to 2 months. A typical project for our team lasts 2-3 weeks.
Rest assured, we discuss timing and duration early on in the design process. You can then understand how long your garden design is likely to take and what it will involve.

When is the best time to landscape my garden?
There is no best time to landscape your garden … other than when you need it to be done.
We undertake design and landscaping projects all year round. Our landscapers are used to, and are equipped for, any weather conditions. Winter projects mean that plants and trees have time to establish before the important growing seasons of Spring and Summer arrive. It also means we avoid disturbing birds and wildlife during the nesting or breeding seasons.
Probably the best thing about having your garden landscaped in the Winter is that you won’t be using it then. Once the weather improves you will want to be out in the garden yourself.

Who is involved in designing & landscaping a garden?
Because we provide a full design and landscaping service, you only need to deal with one company from the initial enquiry though to completion of the project.
No need to deal with separate designers, materials suppliers and multiple contractors. Our team, led by MD George, makes the whole process simpler, easier and less costly for you.
We work closely with you to design your new garden. Then, we handle all aspects of the landscaping ourselves using only trusted specialist contractors for electrical work, for example. Whether it is ground work, planting, decking, water features, hedges, patios, walls or fences, you can rely on our team to deliver your new garden from start to finish.

How can I prepare for a new garden design?
Knowing what you want your garden to look like doesn’t always come easily. Rather, it is knowing what isn’t currently working and what you don’t like that helps begin to form the picture. Our designer works closely with you, sharing their insights and expertise to visualise and show you what can be created.
So how do you use your garden now? How would you like to use and enjoy your garden in the future?
Consider the atmosphere you would like to create and who you want to share your garden with – from family and friends to birds and wildlife.
How much time do you want to spend in the garden and when? Does it need to have a specific function, such as a quiet place to work from or a safe and fun space for children to play in? Maybe both.
Finally, consider how much time and the skills you have. Do you want to look after the plants and wildlife in your garden yourself? Will you want practical help or expertise with this?
If you are considering a garden design, contact us today to arrange a free consultation.