Tag Archives: tips

Pond Care

Seven steps to Spring pond care

Now the weather is starting to warm up we’re seeing the first signs of life in our ponds and water features.

As water is so central to supporting wildlife in your garden, now is the time to make sure you are ready for the new life that is about to make your pond its home.

Here are our pond care tips to get you ready for action:

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How do I choose the right Rose for my garden?

Lots of people are intimidated when it comes to buying and caring for Roses. In this blog I will try to put you all at ease with a few tips about what to look for when buying and caring for one of Britain’s best-loved shrubs.

There are lots of different types of Roses offering a variety of effects and benefits in your garden, from all-summer flowering and scented blooms to formal and informal displays and even security.

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RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch 27-29 January 2023

Why you need to take part in the Big Garden Birdwatch

Birds in the sky and on the land around us are one of the most important indicators of the health of our surroundings. They live on the plants, insects and animals that grow on our wild and cultivated land. Birds are in trouble and we must help.

In the last 50 years the UK has lost nearly 40 million birds across many different species. Birds that live in upland areas, woodland birds, wetland birds, those that live on farmland and garden birds – all are declining. So how can we keep track of what’s happening and what can we all do to stop the decline?

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Keep Weeding – A summer garden maintenance tip.

Summer is a time when we want to be enjoying our gardens and it is also the time when weeding is required the most, because weeds get everywhere! The seeds often lie dormant in the soil waiting for their chance to flourish. With all the recent rain we have had, and now the warmer weather, it’s fair to say the weeds are currently flourishing!

Of course there are physical preventative measures, like weed mats, that you can use to reduce the need for weeding, however they do not suit all locations and require some preparation. A solution for next year perhaps, but not right now.

You may also be tempted by herbicides, however here at GreenArt we do not use herbicides as they significantly impact the surrounding environment and wildlife. 

So it is our job as gardeners to keep weeding during the growing months. But keeping your weeds under control doesn’t have to be an onerous task if you follow these simple guidelines. 

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February Gardening Tips

With the days getting noticeably longer, but the nights still chilly and often frosty, our Care & Development team talk you through their February Gardening Tips.

Tending your garden correctly throughout the year is key to enjoying it to its full potential.

We cover tree care, pruning and how to prepare your lawn for the spring, as well as general seasonal maintenance tasks which are all part of the annual garden care lifecycle. 

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Winter Gardening

You might think that there’s nothing to do in the garden during the Winter as deciduous trees have lost their leaves, perennials have died back and many plants are looking quite sad. In fact, it’s a really important time for looking after what you have, as well as preparing your garden for the Spring and Summer.

Our Garden Care and Development teams are busy working in gardens across the county throughout this Winter and have put together some tips to help your garden get in shape – and help you stay fit in the process!

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