You might think that there’s nothing to do in the garden during the Winter as deciduous trees have lost their leaves, perennials have died back and many plants are looking quite sad. In fact, it’s a really important time for looking after what you have, as well as preparing your garden for the Spring and Summer.
Our Garden Care and Development teams are busy working in gardens across the county throughout this Winter and have put together some tips to help your garden get in shape – and help you stay fit in the process!
So why not make the most of the glorious sunny Winter days and get outside and enjoy your garden knowing that your hard work will be paid back in spades (sorry for the pun) throughout the coming year?

Winter Garden Care Tips
Tree Care
Check tree ties are not loose or damaging the tree and that support posts have not become loose in the ground.
Cut away any damaged branches or that are too low and to shape.
Cut away any suckers.
Prune Apple and Pear trees.
Plant Care
Winter prune Wisteria to two or three buds from the main stems.
Keep climbers away from windows, doors and roofs.
Clear damp leaves from the crown of plants.
Plant bare roots plants such as fruit trees, rose and shrubs.
Protect pots from frost by moving to a sheltered area or move inside if possible.
Try to improve pot drainage by putting them in stilts.
Water sheltered pots if dry.
Lawn Care
Only cut if the temperature is above 8 degrees celsius a few days before and after you plan to cut.
If you cut, keep the height high.
Get rid of worm casts by spreading them out in the lawn with a broom or drag mat of some type.
Level any dips and peaks with top soil and rolling.
Spike or slit any compact areas.
Avoid walking on frozen lawns.
General Maintenance
Clean greenhouse windows.
Spread organic compost around the beds if possible.
Clean, fix, sharpen, and service any tools.
If snowfall occurs, brush snow off branches and shrubs.
Check bird boxes are still attached / fixed properly to walls, fences, trees, or whatever they are meant to be on.
Christmas trees can be cut up to make small habitats tucked away.
Keep any bird baths topped up and clean.
Winter Garden Care – get the garden you want
Of course, we know that not everyone has the time or energy to care for their garden, but value the space and look forward to using it throughout the year. That’s where our Care & Development can help by doing the hard work now for you, so you get the garden you want. Visit the website to learn more and call us to discuss your garden care needs.