Category Archives: lawncare

CraneFly on Leaf - the parent of the LeatherJacket Larvae pest

LeatherJacket Lookout – these garden pests are on the rise

Thanks to the extended period of wet weather we are noticing that a common garden pest – the leatherjacket – is on the rise. A normal component to most UK gardens, this year’s damp conditions have favoured the survival of the eggs and larvae, and therefore are making them a dominant pest for 2024.

Have you ever noticed patches of yellowing or dead grass in your garden? Or a seedling plant that has collapsed having been eaten at soil level? It is quite possible that you may have a leatherjacket infestation.

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lawn care

For the Love of Lawns

We Brits love our lawns.

In the early 17th Century only the well-healed Landowners could afford human labour to scythe and hand-weed large areas of grass. Since then, a perfectly manicured lawn has been associated with wealth and success. The aspiration of every home-owner – or is it?

Over the years we’ve become conditioned to a traditional grass lawn being a central feature of our gardens. Lawncare has become a very British obsession.

Looking to the future and the increasing desire and need to lead a greener and more sustainable lifestyle, maybe it’s time to change? Perhaps it’s time to rethink what we want to achieve in our gardens and the role the lawns have to play in our enjoyment of these valuable outside spaces.

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GreenArt Gardeners

Choosing a Gardener

Does one size fit all?

We’re often asked what kind of gardens our Care and Development team looks after. The truth is they are very varied. We love developing New Build gardens just as much as nurturing large established private estates in acres of land.

The reality is that we treat every garden with the same level of care and attention. All have access to the same diverse range of horticultural skills that our experienced Landscape Gardeners offer.

So what should you consider when choosing a Landscape Gardening company to look after your garden? Here are the things we believe are important when evaluating gardening services:

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GreenArt Garden Care & Maintenance

Nurture your lawn with these 5 tips

Grass is a wonderfully resilient plant that has surprised many over the past weeks, I am sure you will agree.  The small respite in the long hot dry summer has at last allowed lawns to begin to recuperate.

With little rain forecast and a hosepipe ban still in force across parts of England, we want to help you nurture your lawn back to good health. 

Follow these 5 tips to ensure your lawn comes back fighting fit.

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watering the garden

Garden Care During A Dry Spell

With Summer on the horizon and temperatures on the rise, now is the time to get organised to ensure your garden is getting enough water to keep it looking at its best.

Watering your trees, shrubs and plants can feel like a thankless task. And don’t forget your lawn, particularly if newly laid, which needs regular watering to keep it green and healthy. Watering doesn’t have to be a chore, however, as there are many watering and irrigation systems out there to make our lives a lot easier.

Knowing when to water and what to prioritise will not only save you time, but also help conserve our precious water reserves.

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Lawn Care at GreenArt

I’m sure you’d agree that a well-kept lawn really finishes off the overall look of a garden; perfectly straight lines, lush and green in colour, it’s something that really completes the perfect garden scene.

Keeping your lawn in tip top condition takes more than just a quick weed and feed every Spring. Specialist skills are needed to regularly assess the condition of a lawn and provide the treatment that is right for each garden.

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February Gardening Tips

With the days getting noticeably longer, but the nights still chilly and often frosty, our Care & Development team talk you through their February Gardening Tips.

Tending your garden correctly throughout the year is key to enjoying it to its full potential.

We cover tree care, pruning and how to prepare your lawn for the spring, as well as general seasonal maintenance tasks which are all part of the annual garden care lifecycle. 

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Winter Gardening

You might think that there’s nothing to do in the garden during the Winter as deciduous trees have lost their leaves, perennials have died back and many plants are looking quite sad. In fact, it’s a really important time for looking after what you have, as well as preparing your garden for the Spring and Summer.

Our Garden Care and Development teams are busy working in gardens across the county throughout this Winter and have put together some tips to help your garden get in shape – and help you stay fit in the process!

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