Category Archives: spring

Pond Care

Seven steps to Spring pond care

Now the weather is starting to warm up we’re seeing the first signs of life in our ponds and water features.

As water is so central to supporting wildlife in your garden, now is the time to make sure you are ready for the new life that is about to make your pond its home.

Here are our pond care tips to get you ready for action:

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Spring Tips to get your Garden Ready for Summer

Spring is one of the most important times of the year in the garden, with new life appearing in every corner. Birds are starting to build their nests in hedges while new shoots and buds are appearing high and low.

Now is the time to think ahead and make sure you are prepared for a full Summer show.

Top 3 Spring Gardening Tips

Get your garden Summer ready with these top Spring gardening tips.

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The art of maintaining large gardens and estates

‘My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece’ – Claude Monet.

Like sitting down to an easel, walking into a large garden, tools in hand, you may wonder where and how to start your masterpiece. Our approach to garden care takes into account the needs of large gardens and estates, as well as those of smaller domestic properties. Our Landscape Supervisor, Sasha Fraser, explains our approach.

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Wonderful Willow

I started weaving living willow about 18 months ago on my allotment, after having my curiosity peaked by seeing structures like tunnels and dens when taking the kids to National Trust properties. With an accessible source in the Holybrook woods close to the allotments, I got permission to coppice from the local tree officer and off I went.

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