Category Archives: planting

Do you know your Laces?

When we say ‘Queen Anne’s Lace’, we think of tall, white, umbelliferous wildflower species that proliferate and take over the English countryside in Summer, and to say ‘there’s lots’ is an understatement! You can find them pretty much everywhere in the UK, from sprucing up our roadsides to dappling the forest floors. So, when it comes to planting in your meadows, it’s nice to know which is actually which. 

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re-wilding your garden

Re-wilding your garden – what difference can you make?

How to continue your re-wilding journey

Many of us have now set aside or made changes to some parts of our gardens to make them friendlier to wildlife.

Leaving a corner to go wild with brambles or nettles, ‘No-mow May’ or leaving leaf litter and plant debris under hedges or in beds are all ways to attract insects, small mammals and birds to our gardens. For many of us, this is just the first step on a re-wilding journey.

The true principles of re-wilding go well beyond transforming all or most of our garden into a haven for nature, however. Re-wilding means extending beyond and across boundaries to neighbouring gardens and green spaces.

To make re-wilding a reality and also a success, what’s needed is scale and size; conjoined areas of land to create a habitat for a pool of biodiversity. This is the challenge for home-owners and Garden Designers alike.

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Spring Tips to get your Garden Ready for Summer

Spring is one of the most important times of the year in the garden, with new life appearing in every corner. Birds are starting to build their nests in hedges while new shoots and buds are appearing high and low.

Now is the time to think ahead and make sure you are prepared for a full Summer show.

Top 3 Spring Gardening Tips

Get your garden Summer ready with these top Spring gardening tips.

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5 Steps to Going Wild in your Garden

FACT: Gardens cover an area more than twice the size of all our national nature reserves.

FACT: One in seven of our wildlife species are heading for extinction and half are in decline.

FACT: 46% of Europe has tree cover compared with only 13% in the UK

While decisions are being made across Britain by members of the Rewilding Network about rewilding their land, as gardeners, home-owners, garden designers and landscapers, the decisions we make now can make a massive difference.

If every garden in Britain was made just a little bit wilder, more carbon could be absorbed, biodiversity increased and the impacts of climate change, like flooding, reduced.

That’s got to be a good reason to go a bit wild, so what can you do?

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How do I choose the right Rose for my garden?

Lots of people are intimidated when it comes to buying and caring for Roses. In this blog I will try to put you all at ease with a few tips about what to look for when buying and caring for one of Britain’s best-loved shrubs.

There are lots of different types of Roses offering a variety of effects and benefits in your garden, from all-summer flowering and scented blooms to formal and informal displays and even security.

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How can a new garden help the environment?

Photo Credit: GreenArt

You can be forgiven for thinking that digging up an established or even brand new garden to plant new plants in another layout is an indulgence.  However, when a garden is not designed with the environment in mind, a change is what is needed to allow your garden to make a positive impact on the world around it.

One of our core values at GreenArt is all about taking care of our environment.  It is easy to see a shiny new garden in our images, but a great deal goes into our designs to ensure they do their bit for the environment.

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Low Maintenance doesn’t mean No Maintenance!

It may not come as much surprise to hear that we are often asked for a ‘low maintenance’ garden when it comes to designing green spaces.

This may be due to many reasons; being new to gardening, having a young family, older age, restricted mobility or simply not having enough time.

For a keen gardener, tending to borders and lawns is a much-enjoyed pastime, but for a lot of people managing a garden can often feel overwhelming and all too often a chore, rather than a pleasure.

Here we discuss some low-maintenance garden design considerations without having to turn your garden into a concrete jungle!

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Spring Blooming Bulbs

Vibrant colour in the garden is often, and most easily provided by bulbs. Hyacinths at Christmas, Crocus in the New Year, Daffodils in Spring and Tulips in early Summer.

Many of these bulbs are planted in Autumn and are dormant through winter. These bulbs need cold temperatures in order to produce a flower bud for spring which is part of the reason they are planted at this time of the year.

So now’s the time to start planning your bulb planting scheme ready for next year.

What bulbs will you be planting this Autumn?

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