Category Archives: climate

lawn care

For the Love of Lawns

We Brits love our lawns.

In the early 17th Century only the well-healed Landowners could afford human labour to scythe and hand-weed large areas of grass. Since then, a perfectly manicured lawn has been associated with wealth and success. The aspiration of every home-owner – or is it?

Over the years we’ve become conditioned to a traditional grass lawn being a central feature of our gardens. Lawncare has become a very British obsession.

Looking to the future and the increasing desire and need to lead a greener and more sustainable lifestyle, maybe it’s time to change? Perhaps it’s time to rethink what we want to achieve in our gardens and the role the lawns have to play in our enjoyment of these valuable outside spaces.

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5 Steps to Going Wild in your Garden

FACT: Gardens cover an area more than twice the size of all our national nature reserves.

FACT: One in seven of our wildlife species are heading for extinction and half are in decline.

FACT: 46% of Europe has tree cover compared with only 13% in the UK

While decisions are being made across Britain by members of the Rewilding Network about rewilding their land, as gardeners, home-owners, garden designers and landscapers, the decisions we make now can make a massive difference.

If every garden in Britain was made just a little bit wilder, more carbon could be absorbed, biodiversity increased and the impacts of climate change, like flooding, reduced.

That’s got to be a good reason to go a bit wild, so what can you do?

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How can a new garden help the environment?

Photo Credit: GreenArt

You can be forgiven for thinking that digging up an established or even brand new garden to plant new plants in another layout is an indulgence.  However, when a garden is not designed with the environment in mind, a change is what is needed to allow your garden to make a positive impact on the world around it.

One of our core values at GreenArt is all about taking care of our environment.  It is easy to see a shiny new garden in our images, but a great deal goes into our designs to ensure they do their bit for the environment.

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watering the garden

Garden Care During A Dry Spell

With Summer on the horizon and temperatures on the rise, now is the time to get organised to ensure your garden is getting enough water to keep it looking at its best.

Watering your trees, shrubs and plants can feel like a thankless task. And don’t forget your lawn, particularly if newly laid, which needs regular watering to keep it green and healthy. Watering doesn’t have to be a chore, however, as there are many watering and irrigation systems out there to make our lives a lot easier.

Knowing when to water and what to prioritise will not only save you time, but also help conserve our precious water reserves.

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The art of maintaining large gardens and estates

‘My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece’ – Claude Monet.

Like sitting down to an easel, walking into a large garden, tools in hand, you may wonder where and how to start your masterpiece. Our approach to garden care takes into account the needs of large gardens and estates, as well as those of smaller domestic properties. Our Landscape Supervisor, Sasha Fraser, explains our approach.

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Sasha, our Landscape Gardening Supervisor, on the ride on mower.

2020 – a year like no other

‘There is no education like adversity’ Benjamin Disraeli

Without a doubt 2020 has been one of the most challenging years for us all. Yet, despite all the obstacles that came our way, and with a bit of creativity, GreenArt will end the year on a high with some notable achievements. Our clients have needed their gardens more than ever this year and our employees have wanted to keep working, so we feel we’ve done our bit to keep spirits up and the local economy going.

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compost bins

Keep Calm and Compost on!

Recently the Design & Build Team put in some compost bays in one of the gardens we care for in Aston Tirrold. If you currently have more time on your hands, why not start your own compost bin? Here’s everything you need to know about composting. Remember…Keep Calm and Compost on!

I’m a big advocate of garden-based composting so I apologise in advance as I climb up on top of my compost heap to preach its’ virtues!

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