Category Archives: rose

How do I choose the right Rose for my garden?

Lots of people are intimidated when it comes to buying and caring for Roses. In this blog I will try to put you all at ease with a few tips about what to look for when buying and caring for one of Britain’s best-loved shrubs.

There are lots of different types of Roses offering a variety of effects and benefits in your garden, from all-summer flowering and scented blooms to formal and informal displays and even security.

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The art of maintaining large gardens and estates

‘My garden is my most beautiful masterpiece’ – Claude Monet.

Like sitting down to an easel, walking into a large garden, tools in hand, you may wonder where and how to start your masterpiece. Our approach to garden care takes into account the needs of large gardens and estates, as well as those of smaller domestic properties. Our Landscape Supervisor, Sasha Fraser, explains our approach.

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A rose by any other name…

When I had the idea for this blog, it was just after the first flush of summer blooms covered the rose bushes, and now in some places, we are onto our third flush of blooms, which doesn’t look set to finish any time soon. I have to confess that rose care is probably my favourite gardening task. I am also not ashamed to admit that it is rare that I can walk past a rose in bloom, without sinking my nose into its petals to inhale the heady perfume. Is it just me?

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