When you saw the title of this blog, you may have thought you were about to read a review of the Eric Carle picture book, however, I would instead like to talk to you about a garden pest which we are starting to see increased infestations of locally. (If this were a film, this is the bit where the music would be building up to a Dun, Dun, Derrr….) The Box Moth ‘Cydalima Perspectalis’.
Wow, what a day! It started with rain ended with rain and had rain in the middle, but as I told the lovely Liz, who came to see us at intervals with tea and wonderment, rain is good for the willow, it helps water it in and stops the whips from drying out.
‘Twas the night before the willow project and all through the flat, a wave of excitement arose as softly I sat, on the comfortable sofa with a head full to bursting, itching to get started on Ratty’s boat, first thing!!’
This year GreenArt will be holding its first sunflower growing competition. Inspired by The Big Sunflower Project, we’re helping to raise awareness of rare neuromuscular conditions known as centronuclear and myotubular myopathy, by asking people to grow a sunflower.
I started weaving living willow about 18 months ago on my allotment, after having my curiosity peaked by seeing structures like tunnels and dens when taking the kids to National Trust properties. With an accessible source in the Holybrook woods close to the allotments, I got permission to coppice from the local tree officer and off I went.
Here at GreenArt we are committed to finding ways that we as a business can become greener and more environmentally friendly. So in 2019 we are renewing our commitment and exploring even more ways we can ‘green’ our working practices.
Well, we are over a month into 2019 and many of us will have made resolutions to try and get fitter and healthier over the coming year. But, how many of us have made resolutions that incorporate our environment, wildlife and green spaces?