Monthly Archives: July 2015

Competition Time – Time to take a break

Rather than bombard you with lots of jobs to do in the garden during August, we’d much rather you sit back and enjoy it.

While you do, why not capture your garden at its best and share your photos with us and your fellow GreenArt customers and friends?

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Garden Care and Development

To give your garden a seasonal boost and help identity areas for on-going development, why not sign up for our annual Garden Care and Development Programme?

For a fixed annual fee you will have a garden review and assessment by George and a full day of our team on site. During the visit we would:

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July Tips

This is what you’ve been waiting for – borders in full bloom and vegetables producing fine crops. Now’s the time to enjoy those long summer evenings relaxing and entertaining friends.

Although there’s plenty of work to be done, you can do it a more leisurely pace than during the hectic months of Spring. Take time to take a closer look – you’ll see some welcome visitors going about their work – like the bumble bees and hover flies – but also pests and disease. Aphids, for example, can be easily dealt with by simply squashing, so long as they haven’t taken over – so catch them early. And don’t forget to look after our feathered friends too – keep your birdbath topped up and enjoy watching them have a splash!

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Enjoy your summer garden all year round

If you want to take stunning photos of your garden during the summer to remind you of it throughout those cold and wet winter months, then it’s worth thinking about the best way to go about it before you start.

Local photographer Shannon Lee Robinson from SLR Photography is working with us to capture some special images of the gardens we’re creating.

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