Tag Archives: lawn care

Spring Tips to get your Garden Ready for Summer

Spring is one of the most important times of the year in the garden, with new life appearing in every corner. Birds are starting to build their nests in hedges while new shoots and buds are appearing high and low.

Now is the time to think ahead and make sure you are prepared for a full Summer show.

Top 3 Spring Gardening Tips

Get your garden Summer ready with these top Spring gardening tips.

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GreenArt Garden Care & Maintenance

Nurture your lawn with these 5 tips

Grass is a wonderfully resilient plant that has surprised many over the past weeks, I am sure you will agree.  The small respite in the long hot dry summer has at last allowed lawns to begin to recuperate.

With little rain forecast and a hosepipe ban still in force across parts of England, we want to help you nurture your lawn back to good health. 

Follow these 5 tips to ensure your lawn comes back fighting fit.

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