Monthly Archives: April 2023

Pond Care

Seven steps to Spring pond care

Now the weather is starting to warm up we’re seeing the first signs of life in our ponds and water features.

As water is so central to supporting wildlife in your garden, now is the time to make sure you are ready for the new life that is about to make your pond its home.

Here are our pond care tips to get you ready for action:

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A Wild Garden

5 More Steps to Going Wild in your Garden

A sequel to 5 Steps to Going Wild in your Garden, because there is always more we can do.

With biodiversity declining at an alarming rate it can feel like the problem is too big for us to solve alone. But just imagine if we all did a little bit more … just like a waterfall is made up of many droplets of water. Big change can happen when we all come together.

And a wild garden is one of the easiest ways we can make a difference to the biodiversity in our communities.

Read on to learn more and decide which steps will work for you and your garden.

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GreenArt Gardeners

Choosing a Gardener

Does one size fit all?

We’re often asked what kind of gardens our Care and Development team looks after. The truth is they are very varied. We love developing New Build gardens just as much as nurturing large established private estates in acres of land.

The reality is that we treat every garden with the same level of care and attention. All have access to the same diverse range of horticultural skills that our experienced Landscape Gardeners offer.

So what should you consider when choosing a Landscape Gardening company to look after your garden? Here are the things we believe are important when evaluating gardening services:

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