Monthly Archives: July 2023

Summer Gardening Tips

5 Summer Gardening Essentials

The Summer months of July & August are the time to reap your rewards and savour the joys of outdoor living.  

Whilst you are spending more time outside there are a few jobs that you can do. Make sure you continue to nurture and enhance your garden with these 5 tips.

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Summer Inspiration for a Garden Re-design

Embracing Summer’s Beauty to Help Create a Garden of your Dreams

A balmy Summers evening, with its hazy undertones and perhaps nostalgic childhood memories maybe the perfect time to find inspiration for your garden’s re-design.

As the sun bathes our outdoor spaces, we are invited to step outside, indulge in the sensory delights and uncover what truly brings us joy in our gardens.

Our gardens should be just as integral to our home as much as our indoor space is. The link between indoors and outdoors should feel effortless. As much a place to rest, relax and socialise as our bed, sofa or dining table is!

A garden can awaken our senses with sights, sounds, smells, and textures. When contemplating a garden re-design, let the splendour of Summer guide your plans and decisions.

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re-wilding your garden

Re-wilding your garden – what difference can you make?

How to continue your re-wilding journey

Many of us have now set aside or made changes to some parts of our gardens to make them friendlier to wildlife.

Leaving a corner to go wild with brambles or nettles, ‘No-mow May’ or leaving leaf litter and plant debris under hedges or in beds are all ways to attract insects, small mammals and birds to our gardens. For many of us, this is just the first step on a re-wilding journey.

The true principles of re-wilding go well beyond transforming all or most of our garden into a haven for nature, however. Re-wilding means extending beyond and across boundaries to neighbouring gardens and green spaces.

To make re-wilding a reality and also a success, what’s needed is scale and size; conjoined areas of land to create a habitat for a pool of biodiversity. This is the challenge for home-owners and Garden Designers alike.

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