Spring is one of the most important times of the year in the garden, with new life appearing in every corner. Birds are starting to build their nests in hedges while new shoots and buds are appearing high and low.
Now is the time to think ahead and make sure you are prepared for a full Summer show.
Top 3 Spring Gardening Tips
Get your garden Summer ready with these top Spring gardening tips.

Get in the beds
Don’t be afraid to start early in the beds. Your Summer garden will look all the better for your Spring attention.
- Get ahead of the weeds now while they are young and easy to hoe out.
- Be careful not to pick out young herbaceous perennials that may have self-seeded – unless you want to keep them under control too.
- Look out for new growth and shoots at ground level and make sure they are clear of unwanted matter to give them the best chance.
- Assess plants for frost damage and cut out any dead to encourage new growth.

Love your lawn
We all love a nice lawn in the Summer and it is too easy to think a quick cut every now and then will suffice. Spending the time tending to your lawn during the Spring will make a huge difference to the lawn you get to enjoy during the Summer.
- If it’s not too wet or frosty, now’s the time to give your lawn a first cut on a high setting.
- Get lawn edges into shape with a sharp half moon spade and edging shears.
- Start Spring lawn care – aerate, feed and remove any old thatch or moss.
- Check over your irrigation system and pop-up sprinklers to make sure it’s all in order before you really need it.

Get tied in
As the growing season really begins to take off in Spring you need to support the plants so that they look their best during the Summer.
- Check tree ties are loose enough for this year’s growth and adjust/replace if needed.
- Carefully tie in young climber shoots using soft twine or for larger shrubs like Wisteria replace twine with hessian tape for more strength.
- Attach vine eyes and wires on fences and walls and gently wrap climber shoots around wires.
If you’re not sure what to do or don’t have the time to stay on top of the jobs in your garden in the Spring our Garden Care and Development Team can help.
Please get in touch with Jo@greenart.co.uk or call us on 01491 280447.