They may be called Winter Roses, but Hellebores are still very much a feature of the gardens we look after across Oxfordshire in early Spring. It just goes to show that the seasons are changing all the time and we have to adapt to what we find.

Mulching beds
Spring is the time of new life and the beginning of a vigorous growing season. That’s why enriching beds and borders with well-rotted manure or mushroom compost is vital to give your plants the best start with nutrients as well as acting as a mulch to retain moisture. Be prepared, however! If your plants thrive as a result, so will the weeds.
Things are about to get very busy in the garden, so now is the time to be prepared for the Spring. Here’s a few tips for your garden for the next few months.
March gardening tips
🌱 Lay new lawn turf or seed areas that you would like grass.
🌱 Plant Onion sets.
🌱 Plant and divide perennials.
🌱 Renovate Climbers like Honeysuckles, Ivies, Rambling Roses, and Winter Jasmine.
🌱 Prune winter stems like Dogwood and Shrubby Willows.
🌱 Move evergreen shrubs if needed.
April gardening tips
🌿 Water new trees and shrubs when its dry.
🌿 Tie in new shoots on climbers.
🌿 Protect young growth on flowering plants from slugs and snails.
🌿 Deadhead Daffodils after they have flowered, only the flower head is to be removed allowing the plants energy to return back to the bulb for next year’s show.
🌿 Plant container-grown fruit trees.
🌿 Start Spring lawn care – Aeration, Feed and thatch removal
May gardening tips
🪴 Divide and cut back spring-flowering perennials.
🪴 Keep an eye on plants drying up, and water if needed.
🪴 Prune clematis montana after flowering.
🪴 Lightly trim Box and other formal hedging.
🪴 Look out for pest and diseases and treat before it becomes a big problem.
🪴 Regularly hoe bare ground to stop weeds germinating.
If you’re not confident or able to stay on top of the jobs in your garden in the Spring yourself and would like some help to make sure your garden is in great shape for the year, our Garden Care and Development Team can help.
Please get in touch with Jo@greenart.co.uk or call us on 01491 280447.