Use these guidelines to keep your garden looking tip-top this summer. But remember the most important thing is to make sure you reap the benefits of your hard work; soak up the sights and smells of the new season and spend plenty of time basking in the delights of your haven, because that’s what summer is for!
Your summer checklist
It’s been a very wet June but as plants perspire 85% more than humans, they’re often even thirstier than we are! Try to water in the early morning or at night to minimise evaporation and discourage mildew growth.
Top tip >> Invest in an irrigation system equipped with a timer.
After a good soaking, spread a 2-inch-deep layer of mulch over your soil to keep the moisture in. It’s one of the best things you can do for your garden! The mulch blankets the ground, protecting the soil from the sun. This keeps it cooler, so your plant roots are happier, and prevents moisture loss from evaporation.
Remember, the more nutrients in the mulch, the more the weeds will like it too! Don’t let those weeds steal moisture and nutrients from your plants. Weeds are easiest to pull when they’re young and small and when the soil is moist.
Top tip >> Another reason to get them while they’re young is you can stop weeds from producing seeds – think of all that future weeding you’re saving yourself from!
Like weeding, keeping an eye on pests and diseases in your yard should be done all year. But they’re particularly prevalent midsummer. Try planting perennials nearby that attract aphid predators such as ladybirds, hoverflies and lacewings. Achillea, Alyssum, Convolvulus minor, Fennel and Lupins are just a few that will add colour and bring welcome guests to your garden.
The best solution is to manually pick the slugs off your plants and control them that way. GreenArt does not recommend standard slug pellets as these can kill other wildlife.
Deadhead flowering plants regularly to maximise colour and keep the plants healthy.
If you have a pond, now’s a good time to thin out your aquatic plants. When removing floating aquatic weeds, such as familiar duckweed (Lemna) from wildlife ponds, aim to leave no more than a third of the surface as open water. This covering of vegetation provides pond creatures with a place to hide, hunt, feed and breed.
During really hot weather you probably only need to mow your lawn at most once a week. The secret is not to mow it too short and to water it well, particularly if it is newly laid. The middle setting on your mower is short enough to create a thick healthy sward. Don’t panic if your established lawn starts to look yellow during the summer, it will recover with a bit of rain and with care, and an Autumn feed, will look good as new.
Looking forward
Start an autumn vegetable garden and enjoy delicious harvests after the summer by planting cool-loving vegetable seeds now. Think broccoli, carrots, lettuce, and spinach.
And lastly… Don’t forget to give GreenArt a quick call if you’d like advice on how to make your garden even better!
We at GreenArt can provide help at any level
From planning a wildlife garden, building hides, constructing ponds and streams, creating paths and planting trees and shrubs.