Although we’ve had one of the mildest winters, more cold weather is predicted. So, why not head indoors or to the greenhouse and get started sowing seeds now to create a mass of colour in the summer?
Now is the time to sow Snapdragons and Laurentia in a warm greenhouse or, ideally, in a propagator indoors or in the conservatory, as they need a long growth period before flowering.
Pansies can be started off indoors now, ready to create a colourful summer display and you can also sow Geranium and Carnations/Pinks indoors now. If you start your own Chrysanthemum plants from seeds in the greenhouse early, you should get the earliest blooms.
Try growing your own Lobelia for bedding, containers and hanging baskets or Sweet Peas, which can also be started in gentle heat now.
For advice on how to build colour into your garden, contact Jo or George on 01491 280447 or email info@greenart.co.uk.