Case Study – The perfect garden to enjoy in retirement.

New open spaces to relax in, some densely planted beds, easy and safe access to a terrace, and a beautiful lawn and vegetable garden all helped to create the perfect garden for our clients to enjoy in their retirement.

Trisha and Kirstine had lived in their Victorian terraced cottage for over twenty years and had established a garden full of treasured plants and special memories. They were looking forward to their retirement and to spending more time enjoying the fruits of their labours and growing their own fruit and vegetables.

However, it was clear that the steep sloping lawn and narrow steps leading to the top of the garden would be difficult to negotiate in their later years…

The Challenge…

GreenArt was given the challenge of making access to the garden safe and easy, while creating more space and light directly outside the kitchen window.

A large lawn was still important for their two dogs, as was a home for their tortoise. As keen gardeners, new beds needed to accommodate not only their prized specimen plants and shrubs, but also fresh stock to add new interest and colour.

With a keen interest in plant propagation and vegetables, a practical working area was also needed. Finally, to enjoy their retirement, Trisha and Kirstine also needed terraced areas for relaxing and entertaining friends and family.

Moving The Earth…

“The first task was move over one hundred tonnes of earth in order to replace a crumbling retaining wall, extend the patio and turn a difficult slope into a series of terraced levels,” explained designer and managing director George Smith.

“At the same time we had to find temporary homes for hundreds of treasured plants while working in a very confined space.”

Despite the logistical challenges, new curved retaining walls were constructed and faced in York Stone to create a dry-stone effect.

Adding A Water Feature

A waterfall tumbles down one face into a pond which creates a focal point for the new, larger patio.


Two sets of steps, safely lead up the garden to paths under oak rose arches either side of a kidney-shaped lawn, which also includes a custom-built stone tortoise house and garden. A natural stone paved circular terrace, with planting all around, sits midway in the garden to catch the afternoon sun and a third terrace at the top of the garden allows evenings to be enjoyed next to the summer house.

Paving and compacted gravel surround the greenhouse, summer house and six oak framed raised veg beds to create a practical space that is easy to move around. Lighting throughout enables safe access while an irrigation system takes the hard work out of watering valuable plants, shrubs and trees.

Compost bins, a log store, new shed and outdoor potting area complete the functional side of the garden making it a pleasure to both work and relax in.

Beds full of perennials, shrubs and specimen trees frame the circular terrace and lawn and form wide curved borders along either side of the garden.

“We Love Our New Garden…”

“We love our new garden,” explained Trisha and Kirstine. “George and his team at GreenArt has created a safe and beautiful space for us to enjoy in retirement while retaining the character of our old garden and many of the plants we’ve enjoyed collecting and growing over the years.”

If we can help you create your perfect garden, please contact Jo or George on 01491 280447 or email