As well as encouraging you to support The Big Garden Birdwatch, we’d like to find out what your favourite garden bird is.
We’re asking you to vote for your favourite from the top ten birds that were spotted in UK gardens in 2015. Just visit our Facebook page to cast your vote and you will be automatically entered into the draw to win this beautiful metal sculpture from our friends at Kew Gardens.
The cheery robin is Fair Trade and handmade by a group of artisans from Zimbabwe helping to provide a stable income and good standard of living for the artists and their families. They use reclaimed metal and each robin is individually crafted – creating your own unique sculpture and a friend for your garden all year round.
To enter the competition, simply visit our Facebook page and cast your vote by 5th February 2016. We’ll announce the winner, along with which garden bird is your favourite, in next month’s newsletter. Good Luck!